The latest Mammogram shows all clear!
This was Patti's 2nd one since the original diagnoses.
On to other stuff:
Swelling and thick skin on the side of where she had the mastectomy (back of her arm pit and going down the side). Doc thinks it's lymphedema and she will need physical therapy to release the fluid build up if this diagnosis is correct. We will learn more next week when she sees the specialist who will verify this and determine a plan. She will also find out if a compression t-shirt will help. TBD...
Otherwise, everything else looks good and Patti is getting closer to her first cancer-free birthday!!! More on that in July :-)
Patti says, "They can't do a thing about the muffin tops I now have. I just have to take the bad with the good the anti estrogen pill gives me!"
And we'll take that as good.......cuz' we get to keep you here with us! Muffin tops and age go together.....we'll all be catching up with you sooner or later Patti :-)