Monday, October 19, 2015

YAY! Let's YEAR it for the girl!!!!

Patti's last doctor visit was a FABULOUS moment for her! 

Here are a few details that really made her day:

Protein = Normal
Blood work = Looking good
Bone density = No changes

And the one sentence she really wanted to hear? Her next appointment with the doctor is in ONE YEAR from now, yes......A WHOLE YEAR!!!!  

This is an exciting time for Patti as she can finally relax and know that her results indicate that she is doing very well, in a healthier state, and cancer-free!
Happy REAL Birthday Patti !!!!
Enjoy life as you've got a second chance at it my sista!

makes :-)

Look at all that hair!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

First "Cancer Free" Birthday!

Remember this post a year ago? 

Happy 1st "Cancer-Free" Birthday to Patti!

Monday, July 6, 2015


Patti had a tough week leading up to today. She discovered an unusual lump where she had her original surgery and needless to say, worried that it (the cancer) had returned.

She went in and had a ultrasound to look at this concern a little closer and the diagnosis from the doctor was that the implant margins were clear to see and that the bump Patti was concerned with is the implant and possibly the scar tissue within this area that is causing the bulge, but nothing else to be concerned with - can I get a YAY??!!??

Once the doctor said what Patti was hoping to hear, she asked if she could cry now as she had not slept all night, worried about the outcome and the sigh of relief was overwhelming.

Additionally, she was waiting by herself before the doctor came in, wondering where I was as I planned to be with her for this visit. I was on tour of the medical facilities visiting Aurora, the Cancer Care facility and finally, the Woman's search of Patti! I did not know which facility she was getting this done, and thankfully found her just minutes before the doctor arrived to review the images and give her the news she wanted and waited to hear.........

Good news is NO! Nada! Yea!!!!!!!!!! NOT Cancer.......and yes, it made us say, "Whew!"

Rest easy my sista - ! All is good!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

It's sure been a while and that is usually a GOOD thing! Latest visit and update ......

The latest Mammogram shows all clear!

This was Patti's 2nd one since the original diagnoses.

On to other stuff:
Swelling and thick skin on the side of where she had the mastectomy (back of her arm pit and going down the side).  Doc thinks it's lymphedema and she will need physical therapy to release the fluid build up if this diagnosis is correct. We will learn more next week when she sees the specialist who will verify this and determine a plan. She will also find out if a compression t-shirt will help. TBD...

Otherwise, everything else looks good and Patti is getting closer to her first cancer-free birthday!!! More on that in July :-)

Patti says, "They can't do a thing about the muffin tops I now have.  I just have to take the bad with the good the anti estrogen pill gives me!" 

And we'll take that as good.......cuz' we get to keep you here with us!  Muffin tops and age go together.....we'll all be catching up with you sooner or later Patti :-)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

"Good news.......don't worry about are good!"

As most of you already know, Patti has been doing quite well in her road to recovery and has been slowly getting back into her normal routine.

This week, Patti had another set of tests done with 8 vials of blood taken....yes, I said 8!

Tests included FSH, Estrogen tests, and a bunch of other general labwork to take a good look at what is going on inside. 

Naturally, Patti always gets nervous when she sees a call from the doctor or hospital, but this call and message has her walking on air!

She came home from work, began listening to the voicemail, which was from one of her favorite doctors (Dr. Divgi). 

His message was sweet and to the point......and in the words of her doctor: "Good news Patti, don't worry about are good!"

Can I get a YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Blood, Bones and Scans - OOOhhh scary....NOT!

Patti had her body scanned again (similar to the PET scan she had about a year ago) to check for Myeloma, which is some form of cancer in the bone.
She also had blood work done as a recheck to something they "thought" they saw in the initial blood work at the beginning of September. 
In other words, she is free of cancer from head to toe with that said, she's and good to go.

         Enough said!

     Happy Halloween!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

The results are in!

Patti is celebrating her new birthday (July 28th!)........the day she got the news that there is NO evidence of metastatic disease! (Aka no cancer!)

Enough said - yea!!!!!!