Monday, July 6, 2015


Patti had a tough week leading up to today. She discovered an unusual lump where she had her original surgery and needless to say, worried that it (the cancer) had returned.

She went in and had a ultrasound to look at this concern a little closer and the diagnosis from the doctor was that the implant margins were clear to see and that the bump Patti was concerned with is the implant and possibly the scar tissue within this area that is causing the bulge, but nothing else to be concerned with - can I get a YAY??!!??

Once the doctor said what Patti was hoping to hear, she asked if she could cry now as she had not slept all night, worried about the outcome and the sigh of relief was overwhelming.

Additionally, she was waiting by herself before the doctor came in, wondering where I was as I planned to be with her for this visit. I was on tour of the medical facilities visiting Aurora, the Cancer Care facility and finally, the Woman's search of Patti! I did not know which facility she was getting this done, and thankfully found her just minutes before the doctor arrived to review the images and give her the news she wanted and waited to hear.........

Good news is NO! Nada! Yea!!!!!!!!!! NOT Cancer.......and yes, it made us say, "Whew!"

Rest easy my sista - ! All is good!

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