Thursday, March 13, 2014

A good day, 29 days, and is that......could it be?

COUNTDOWN: 29 days to go!

Good afternoon to all,
Just a quick update on Patti's progress for today:

  • Yes, she was finally able to receive her first radiation treatment today and the countdown begins!  We will continue to add the countdown on this final step of the process for Patti.  This should help to give her the hope she needs and to remind her that there is success at the end of this journey!

Tummy talk! 
  • Patti's procedure went very well today. The doctor said that he did not see any of the issues that Patti was concerned with (hietal hernia, ulcers, cancer (yea!) etc.).  He did take a biopsy from the bottom section of her stomach, as they saw some redness and think it may be a stomach infection. This could be due to her long love for ibuprofen, other meds from the cancer process, or stress (go figure!) 
  • She was in and out of surgery within 20 minutes! When Patti came out, she was acting like a silly drunk....asking the same set of questions several times in 10 minutes. Mike and I got a few chuckles out of watching her.  She went back to sleep.......and this is where the little sister gets back at the big sister for those times where she picked on me too much (hee hee):

Just Kidding!  I shared this picture with Patti to prove that she can sleep (She was out cold!). She then ask me to include this photo in her post.  We're finally starting to see coverage on top - YEA!  Ignore the color - that will change :-)

The results of the biopsy may take up to two weeks so.......we'll just have to be patient and pray that the only action that will need to be taken is an antibiotic.

Heatwave in Wisconsin (40+ degrees tomorrow!)  Have a great weekend!

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