Good morning to all.
Today is a new day for Patti - one she has been anxious, nervous, and excited about.......her first attempt to get back into the working world!
She is worried about her mobility and if she will be able to manage her old friend.....paperhanging by Patti, as this is a physical job and she is still in recovery mode.
A special shout out to Mike, who will be there with her to help with, and possibly have to finish the job, as Patti will probably tire a bit easier than in the past.
I ask everyone to say a little prayer for her today, and to really check in with Patti later tonight on..............."Patti's actual progress!"
To Patti: I know today is exciting and a little scary for you sis. Don't worry......take it slow and you will be fine. I know you have what it takes - just got to do what you always say......Have faith :-)
Have a great 1st day as you roll back into it, and we all wish you smooth transition and hope this pattern continues (couldn't help but add a few of her paperhanging terms to this message!).
This is awesome news Patti. A very big 1st step after a long battle, which you survived in strong fashion....Way to Go!!!