Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE and DONE!

Great news! 

Patti just got the genetic test results and it's NEGATIVE, which is actually the best POSITIVE result she could have hoped for!!

What does this mean?
This means that the cancer gene(s) associated with ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and all the high risks associated with these cancers are off the table....outta here....not gonna happen......or as they say in New York, "Fuhgeddaboudid!"

She does not carry the cancer genes that would cause additional preventative surgery due to the "potential" of her getting cancer again down the road (the Angilina Jolie affect).  Obviously in Patti's case, she has actual cancer, was strongly urged to get this test and if positive, have both breasts removed.

YEP - This also means that Patti will not have to endure a double mastectomy. 
In other words:   One and DONE.....One goes and one stays - YEA :-)

Next steps:
Pre-op blood work is next on our agenda (date TBD - should be this week)
Surgery to get that cancer bug out (the hope/goal is next week) and determine how to get well.......key word - she will GET WELL!

A good day for Patti and for all - God is certainly watching over her!

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