Saturday, January 4, 2014

Save the date and Happy New Year! Shots for...........................

Patti :-/  Lots of them to get her ready for surgery and to bring her to current.......

Patti had blood work done in prep for the reconstruction surgery, which is scheduled for January 27th, 2014.

While they were at it, Patti went for the Holy Grail and got a tetanus shot - why not?!

She also got an EKG - this was to check for damage to the heart due to the Neupogen (the drug to stimulate the bone marrow to create new white blood cells). 

Chemo port was removed last week (12/27) and the steri strips were removed yesterday as well.  Dr. Joe decided to put mini strips (not so adhesive but holding things together!)on for a few days longer to be sure the location where the chemo port healed properly.

And about that stomach ache she's had........doc thinks it "might" be a hiatal hernia..............more to come once we get that surgery date set and scope down there to see what's causing the problems Patti has been experiencing. 

A special shout out to our sister Patrice!  She brought Patti natural cancer fighting supplements that Patti wanted but couldn't afford (graviola and vitamin B17).  Oh and by the way, that is the same name of the fighter plane that Patti had hanging from our bedroom ceiling when we were kids - yes, we planes hanging from our "girl" room!  I am certain Patti will be happy to share more on this - just ask her!

Stay warm and be safe in these cold days to come!

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