Monday, January 27, 2014

Three times the charm - Success!

Patti's third and final surgery went very well!  The day started at the surgical center with a 6:30am arrival.  Patti went through the usual prep that unfortunately she has gotten used to over the past few months.  From blood pressure, heart checks, needle poking here and there, warm blankets, and last by not least, the funny medicine that lets Patti sleep while they work their magic!

Prior to the surgery, Patti's doctor came in to see her and it was interesting to watch him prepare her for this event.  He pulls out this little green mini pen and begins to draw on her, drawing lines and circles all over, as he planned his masterpiece. 

The surgery lasted a few hours.  When the doctor came out to see Mike and I, he stated that it went very well........ just as he had planned.  Always glad to hear it directly from the doctor!

Patti has the dreaded drain hooked up to her again, however; the doctor did this as a precautionary measure.  If Patti stays below 20ccs, the drain will be out by the weekend.  Last check was 4pm, in which she was at 15ccs - yay!

Patti is very sore but in good spirits. Her pain from 11am until now has decreased significantly, and she is resting as we speak. 

Overall, she is doing very well.  I think she can finally rest and heal, as this is the last invasive surgery that she should have to endure. 

Pray for a quick recovery and stay tuned for the next and final steps in Patti's Progress!

Stay warm!

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